Congratulations to June’s
NJTESOL/NJBE Member of the Month
Jessica Blier
Jessica Blier is an experienced ESL teacher at Madison High School with 18 years of experience teaching and being a member of NJTESOL/NJBE as well as a presenter at our spring conference!
She has worked in multiple grades and is a caring advocate who teaches ESL, integrated math courses and pushes into other classes. She runs a club called “Bridge to English” that pairs her MLs with tutors.
When Jessica started teaching, she was the sole teacher in her building and NJTESOL/NJBE helped her tremendously, especially the hotlist.
In her own words, she states she is “very flattered and honored to receive member of the month…..I feel very fortunate to be a part of this organization.”
Nominate the member of the month!
NJTESOL/NJBE has so many amazing teachers throughout our state that it would be fitting to highlight some of them. Nominees could be colleagues who are available to answer questions about ELLs or the Bilingual Education code; educators who support students and their families beyond the classroom with projects, college applications, and extracurricular activities; someone who joins committees in support of ELLS or to implement positive change for the community. The nominee must be a member of NJTESOL/NJBE. Nomination Link