NJ Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages/
Welcome to NJTESOL/NJBE’s Annual Voices Journal. This publication is a representation of members’ thoughts on issues important to ESL, Bilingual, and Dual Language educators in New Jersey and the larger language teaching community. This annual journal has a scholarly approach which reveals the deep commitment our writers and readers have for their teaching practice and students. NJTESOL/NJBE hopes you enjoy our fifth issue of NJTESOL/NJBE’s Annual Voices Journal and its continuing companion, NJTESOL/NJBE’s Weekly Voices.
Annual Voices Journal is the official publication of NJTESOL/NJBE, issued annually each winter. Articles in the NJTESOL/NJBE Voices Journal include current issues, classroom explorations, program description/exemplary scheduling, and alternative perspectives as related to the teaching of English to speakers of other languages, Bilingual Education, and Dual language programs including students who are U.S.-born bilinguals, “generation 1.5”, immigrants, and international students. Articles may focus on any educational level, from kindergarten to university, as well as on adult school and workplace literacy settings.
Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM): A Strategy to Scaffold Up in Content Learning
Jenna Maneri
PWIM can be a very helpful first step in accessing content for Multilingual Learners. Looking at it in a new way, it can also be a second a third step to read the discourse level of language.
Creating Instructional Units Aligned to English and Spanish Language Development Standards
Margaret Churchill
This article presents two exemplar teacher-created units that follow a suggested unit guide to implement the WIDA 2020 English Language Development and Marco DALE Spanish Language Development Standards.
Creating Lessons for All Through Picture Books
Luigina Finneran
This article discusses the benefits and uses of picture books in the classroom. The main focus is on their benefits when it comes to vocabulary acquisition, social-emotional learning, promoting culture and love of reading.
Resourcing Faculty to Empower MLs Across Higher Education Institutions
Megan Biondi, DML
While an increasing number of higher education institutions become Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), they nevertheless struggle to provide Spanish-speaking multilingual learners (MLs) with sufficient support proportionate to student need, and to provide faculty with resources to adequately address the evolving necessities of the current student population. This paper discusses the potential systemic barriers to academic achievement for the above-mentioned student demographic entering college, coupled with the growing need for administrative support of faculty, in order to foster academic success and retention for these students, in practice and not only in theory.
Fostering Inclusive and Resilient Classroom Environments in the Post-COVID Era: Strategies for Underserved & Underrepresented Students
Angello R. Villarreal Ed. D. & Shantel M. Scott Ed. D.
The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new era of education, requiring educators to adapt and innovate rapidly. We aim to provide educators with 21st-century innovative strategies that not only create equitable and socially-emotionally strong classroom environments but also cater specifically to the needs of ESL/ELL (English as a Second Language/English Language Learners) students. Our goal is to encourage student choice and voice, improve learner confidence, and bridge the educational gaps exacerbated by the pandemic.