Fourth Grade Awards
Isabela Ferreira & Giovana Cabral
Eighth Grade Awards
Dea Elezaj & Helen Martinez-Barreto
Raquel Sinai Newcomer Scholarships
Bahtiyar Goktas & Tabata Bustos
Pedro J. Rodriguez High School Scholarships
Adil Abdullah & Anilsi Jimenez Bigay
Seal of Bilteracy Scholarships
Numan Kose & Johmara Paredes
Higher Education Scholarships
Pinar Uzulmez & Mariam Beshara
Dr. Reppy Graduate Student Scholarship
Jessica Leonardis
Judie Haynes’ Grant for ESL/Bilingual Teachers
Sharon Kernan
President’s Award
Dr. Mary Reece
Leadership Award
Julie Ochoa
Advocacy Award
Violetta Katsikis
Seal of Biliteracy Superintendent of the Year
Dr. Jeffrey Moore